Obstacle races are becoming more and more popular in the Netherlands. People love the action, the passion, intensity, fun, but most of all the challenge of the run. But don’t be fooled: obstacles races are extremely tough and contenders must be physically fit and must have sufficient strength and stamina to properly run an obstacle race.

Our 4, 6 or 8 week training programmes focus on improving strength, general fitness and stability. The duration of the training sessions is crucial in preparing you for undertaking an obstacle race. The intensity of suspension training means pushing the limits to achieve good results, This is why our training programmes have been developed by professional fitness instructors.

“Adequate preparation is half the battle won’ – So, be prepared!

Sufficient preparation and training means less chance of injury, improved running time and a more confident start. PT4Pro® gives you the tools to be in peak condition for your obstacle races. Our unique 4, 6 or 8-week training programme will get you in shape for you to be at your best at the starting line!